Trinity Church Staff

  • Reverend Karen Haygood

    Reverend Karen Haygood

    Interim Pastor

  • Audrey DeVault

    Church Treasurer

  • Joe Thatcher

    Joe Thatcher

    Church Secretary

  • Nancy Flanagan

    Nancy Flanagan

    Musician and Choir Director

  • Barb Gentry

    Barb Gentry


  • Laura Kalchik

    Laura Kalchik

    Church Custodian

Rev. Karen Haygood was called to serve as our Interim Pastor on October 1st, 2021.

The Trinity Church Council consists of the officers of the Church (Moderator, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) and the Chairpersons of all Ministries.

The Church Council manages the Church’s ongoing operations. They decide all issues related to general Church policies (except for those issues that require the will of members in an all church meeting as defined in our ByLaws) and manage all matters related to the general mission and welfare of Trinity Church, UCC.